Phil Knowles is the Clear Cut Group’s TAP Access Coordinator

The Television Access Project (TAP) was launched in 2022 to ensure better access to all those working in the television industry. Part of this excellent work is a recommendation that each company in the television supply chain offers a designated employee to aid and advise anyone who wishes to work with that company and has an access issue. The Clear Cut Group’s Access Coordinator is Client Services Manager Phil Knowles, he says, “I took on this role as I am interested in learning more about how I can be more inclusive, and helping Clear Cut be more inclusive too.”
Anyone who is interested in working at – or with – Clear Cut Pictures, The Edit Store, or Clear Cut Nations & Regions, can contact Phil to speak in confidence about any access needs they may have. We can meet most access needs – although some of our buildings were built by the Georgians, who were not so enlightened when considering mobility issues!
For any inquiries or concerns about accessibility, we invite you to contact Phil Knowles at or through reception on 0207 605 1700.